What we do ...
...we do this with a lot of passion and passion, a high degree of orientation towards goals and solutions and an expertise that has now lasted 30 years. For us, events are more than just an effective communication tool. For ottomisu, they are an ideal setting for extraordinary experiences! Here, participants network with each other and connect with you and your brand. For us, events are places where communities arise and participants become fans. We prefer to manage projects from start to finish, across all phases and building blocks, to ensure that all cogs really interact.
Event Evolution
When a white sheet of paper becomes large.
Together with you, we develop the appropriate event and communication strategy and support you in terms of brand management and development.
From the Big Picture, to the ideation, to the right narrative as a common thread, we develop and define all measures for maximum achievement of goals. Our concepts are holistic, connectable and provide the necessary context.
Your messages can have the desired effect only in an appropriate atmosphere. Through clever design and design approaches, we create spaces and worlds in which your brand, content and messages become alive and experienced.
Do you want to know how your event can achieve the desired effect or how it was received by the participants? We support you in the goal and KPI definition, help with monitoring as well as success and impact measurement.
Event Execution
When ideas become reality.
The budget under control, the timing under control. Total control is the be-all and end-all of every project. And always in our focus: you and your requirements. And of course, the participants.
When everything comes together and many small parts form a whole, then we talk about successful production planning. In our company, this includes the entire factory control including tenders as well as the technical and logistic planning.
We're well connected. This allows us to bring the corresponding (wo)manpower to the start. Whether in front of or behind the scenes, well-trained and trained professionals guarantee reliability and optimal processes for your event.
Whether in Germany or abroad, a hotel event, trade fair and congress center, an old factory hall or something completely unusual. We will find the right location for your event. And then? Then we start CAD planning and the first renderings.
Event Staging
When images, stories and emotions arise.
Special messages and extraordinary moments should be perfectly set in scene in order to anchor themselves in memory and to develop their power perfectly. We ensure emotional productions and smooth processes.
Following the motto "Form follows Content", we orchestrate, structure, stage and plan the content processes along the storyline together with you. What if there isn't a suitable format? Then we design one, completely individual.
Connecting and exchanging people through interests and relevant content in a sustainable way is what we understand by connectivity. Our passion is to create the appropriate atmosphere, space and framework for this.
A perfect event can only be planned from the perspective of the participants. That is why we question and challenge all our ideas and building blocks from the point of view of how they affect the participants and in what mood they put them.
When ideas start talking to participants.
Whether directly or subliminally, we support you in conveying your content accurately and sharpening your messages. With relevance and conciseness, we develop the storyline together and design the program and topic management.
In order for messages to reach their full potential, key messages must be clearly identified, appropriately staged and embedded in a meaningful information architecture. We support this with KeyNote support and speaker briefings
Building, recognizing and positioning brands or events are fundamental in the sustainable transmission of messages, emotions or community building. We are happy to support and advise you in the content and visual design.
Whether social media posts, on-site communication, pack-your-bag e-mails, intro or image films, according to the communication strategy, we support with media production, moving image, motion design, PPT support, graphic and text creation.
Digital Solutions
If 0en and 1en support and fire communication and processes.
Whether mobile apps, web apps or smart, interactive applications with a gamification approach - we create and develop the very tool that promises maximum success.
We accompany and advise you in the conception, development, structuring, design and creation of your event-based digital communication presence.
Excellence & Experience
Only when the impact is achieved and the target group is picked up, integrated and enthusiastic in the long term are we also satisfied. That's what drives us every day. There is nothing more to be said about this.
You think we fit well with you and your project? Then we look forward to a call or a message.
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